John S. Ott, Trpimir Vedriš

Saintly Bishops and Bishops Saints: Bibliotheca Hagiotheca - Series Colloquia II

  • Godina izdanja: 2012.
  • Format: 15,5x23,5
  • Stranica: 282
  • Uvez: Meki
  • ISBN: 978-953-56205-1-8
19,11 € 23,89 € 20.00%

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Hrvatsko hagiografsko društvo „Hagiotheca“ osnovano je 2004. i otad okuplja zainteresirane stručnjake u okviru niza međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova. Plodove izlaganja i diskusija Društvo objavljuje u sklopu svoje biblioteke Hagiotheca, u nizu Colloquia. Treći hagiografski simpozij održan u Poreču od 27. do 30. svibnja 2010. bio je posvećen istraživanju hagiografije i kulta svetih biskupa te problemima vezanim uz ulogu biskupa u oblikovanju i promicanju svetačkih kultova kroz povijest. Šesnaest tekstova afirmiranih i uglednih stručnjaka kao i mlađih autora iz desetak zemalja priređenih kao drugi svezak u nizu Colloquia očituje raznolikost pristupa toj složenoj problematici pokrivajući uglavnom razdoblje između kasne antike i visokog srednjeg vijeka.
Sadržaj / Contents:
Between Heaven and Earth: Saintly Bishops and Bishops’ Saints
John S. Ott
1. Shifting Identities: From a Roman Matron to Matrona Dei in the Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis Thomas J. Heffernan 1
2. Martyr Bishops and the Bishop’s Martyrs in Fourth-Century Rome
Marianne Sághy 13
3. Public Displays of Asceticism: Holy Bishops and the Conversion of Gaul in the Vita Sancti Martini
John Marcus Beard 31
4. A Self-Made Living Saint? Authority and the Two Families of Theodoret of Cyrrhus
Ville Vuolanto 49
5. Putria tecta, the Bishop and His Martyr: Mutual Patronage and Configuration of Power in Byzantine Istria
Marina Miladinov 67
6. Benedict, Father of Monks, in the Chronicle of Mellitus, Bishop of London
Luciana Cuppo 87
7. Where He Is, Thither Will the Eagles Be Gathered Together: The Metropolitan Status of the Bishop of Spalato from the Decline of Salona until the Councils of Spalato in 925 and 928
Vadim Prozorov 103
8. The Businessman Saint: Bishop Æthelwold in the Liber Eliensis
Rachel S. Anderson 123
9. In the Apse or in Between: The Benedictional of Engilmar and Traditions of Episcopal Patronage in the Apse at Poreč
Evan A. Gatti 137
10. The Place of Holy and Unholy Bishops in Byzantine Hagiographic Narrative (Eighth-Twelfth Centuries)
Stephanos Efthymiadis 169
11. No Way to Salvation for German Bishops? The Case of St. Engelbert of Cologne
Victoria Smirnova 183
12. Episcopal Authority and Disputed Sanctity in Late Medieval Italy
Janine Peterson 201
13. Bishops Fighting with Demons in Swedish Canonization Processes
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa 217
14. Popular Images of Saintly Bishops in Late Medieval England
Sherry L. Reames 235
15. The Pastor Bonus: Saint Stanislaus of Cracow in Sermons and Bishop-Saints as Exemplars in the Late Middle Ages
Stanislava Kuzmová 253